
How to clean windows ac

How To Clean Windows AC (Incl. Helpful Tips)

The addition of devices and equipment adds comfort to the room experience. One such item is called an air conditioner. Air conditioners provide cool air or warm air inside the property. No matter what brand or model you intend to install, ACs need routine cleaning. Guarantee clean air going through your space, know how to clean windows ac...

How To Clean Rust Cast Iron

How To Clean Rust Cast Iron (Helpful Tips Incl.)

Cast iron products are usually seasoned to prevent them from rusting. Seasoning means coating them with carbonized oil to create a barrier against moisture. This preventive measure, however, does not guarantee that your cast iron pots, pans, and grates will no longer rust. If corrosion has built up in your cast iron skillet, you don’t have to...

How to Clean Carpet From Dog Pee

How To Clean Carpet From Dog Pee (Helpful Tips)

Pets can make lots of difference in a household. They can make it livier and at the same time they can make you sad. As a fur parent, you’re subject to experiencing various emotions. You become happy then angry at most times. Yes, having a dog is fun. Yet, things can get messier if they do something undesirable. Normally, dogs...

How To Clean Bathtub With Baking Soda

How To Clean Bathtub With Baking Soda

It’s truly amazing to have a bathtub where you can relax and enjoy the bubbling effect at the same time. However, due to everyday use, you may not notice that your tub is getting dirty. That’s why, even if you use clean water and soap, you feel icky and dirty. Due to that, you should sanitize your...

How To Clean Bathtub Toys

How To Clean Bathtub Toys (Tips You Should Know)

Where’s the fun if you don’t have a floating duck in your bathtub? Let’s set aside the fun first and talk about the risk of having an unclean bath toy. Germs and molds on bath toys could result in respiratory diseases and allergies. So, if you have any toys in your bathtub, you should regularly clean them...

How To Clean Bathtub Stains

How To Clean Bathtub Stains (Tips You Should Know)

No homeowner wants a bathtub full of stains. Imagine you’re in the mood to relax, then you suddenly notice a yellow stain on parts of your bathtub. That will surprise you, and you’ll immediately get out of your tub. What a way to ruin your relaxation. These yellowish stains that you see usually result from mineral deposits due...

How To Clean Bathtub Mat

How To Clean Bathtub Mat (Here’s How)

Do you always slip when stepping on your bathtub mat? Oily mats could cause unnecessary accidents such as slipping and falling on the floor. Because of that, you’ll get hurt and get injured in the process. Everyday use of hair and soap products can leave oily films on your mat surface. To avoid this type of scenario, you...

How To Clean Bathtub Jet

How To Clean Bathtub Jet (Explained!)

In terms of relaxing, there’s nothing that compares to drenching in a bubble bath. But imagine you’re enjoying the moment in your bathtub, then waste starts shooting out after you open your tub jets. If this happens to you, it’s an indication that your bathtub jets need cleaning. You need to eliminate the mold and mildew build-up. When...

How To Clean Bathtub Drain

How To Clean Bathtub Drain (Solved & Explained!)

Most homeowners with a bathtub use them every day without thinking of cleaning them once in a while. But what happens if your bathtub drain becomes clogged? Two possible scenarios are flooding and foul odor. If this happens to you, you should know how to clean your bathtub drain. This is so you can avoid frustrations and be...

How to clean bathroom tiles

How To Clean Bathroom Tiles (Tips You Should Know)

Tile grouts are necessary as space fillers in between bathroom tiles. Without proper grout application, there will be gaps in the bathroom floor. Over time, with wear and exposure to moisture, grouts become brittle. The issue of breaking grouts starts with improper installation. The gaps become home to many microbes. The spaces that cleaning solutions don’t reach become home...